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Teen Ambassador- End Allergies Together (E●A●T)


Updated: Dec 31, 2020

(This post was originally written on August 12, 2020 on our family's blog How Not To Go Nuts.)

I've been out of commission for a minute..yall, Jayden has had me running all over the place getting him settled at Texas Tech for summer football training. Through the midst of all of that, I still have two children at home....Wesley is constantly training for football, and now he's taken up training his younger cousin Hendrix. Peyton is keeping busy by continuing with her private tumbling classes, and last month we accepted a invite to become a Teen Ambassador with E●A●T (End Allergies Together). This is so such a honor for Peyton and our Nonprofit Organization Peyton's Allergy Shield of Hope to be asked to help raise funds to support finding a cure for food allergies. Peyton is so eager to start brainstorming and what fundraiser we would like have and raise funds for a cure! Peyton is now 12 years old, she turns 13 in November......but just quietly looking in at her....I see a sense of maturity with her food allergies. This is a small victory of growth, and I see this as a blessing for her and other's as well. Last month, I got one of the worst phone calls a food allergy mother can ever get. Before you all freak out, it wasn't Peyton who had eaten something, but it was my niece who is allergic to Peanuts who had eaten a cookie that had peanuts in it but she didn't know (she didn't she think to ask what was in it). I'm was so mad at her, because the first person that she called was me.....and not 911. I told her that I was going to blog about her, and this experience she had. My niece is 20 years old, she knows that she has a allergy to peanuts, she does not carry a Epi Pen, she is not educated on the symptoms of what to look for when having a anaphylactic reaction. I told her to always listen to your body and not people, reactions comes in different forms, not always hives, swelling of lips or itchy throat. Anaphylaxis can come in the form of any of the following There is usually more than one of these

  • Coughing; wheezing; and pain, itching, or tightness in your chest

  • Fainting, dizziness, confusion, or weakness

  • Hives; a rash; and itchy, swollen, or red skin

  • Runny or stuffy nose and sneezing

  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing and rapid heartbeat

  • Swollen or itchy lips or tongue

  • Swollen or itchy throat, hoarse voice, trouble swallowing, tightness in your throat

  • Vomiting, diarrhea, or cramps

  • Weak pulse, paleness

Needless to say, my niece has learned to now carry two Epi's and Benadryl with her. Not only did she receive a stern talking to from me, but I couldn't stress to her enough to EDUCATE herself! This can mean life and death, in just a few short minutes, yes she's a young adult but I really hope she understands that this is something that is so serious. Peyton's food allergies changed our lives over night, my daughter almost lost her life in my the grace of God we just so happened to be at the doctors office when this all happened. BUT!! With two rounds of the Epi Pen, her blood pressure dropping, having to be put on oxygen, having a asthma attack, being rushed to the being Auntie Misha aka Mommy aka Mama I don't play with allergic symptoms. So when my niece called me and told me she was having a allergic reaction, she vomited, her mouth and throat was itching. I told her to immediately to get off of the phone with me and to call 911. After she came back from the ER I told her don't you ever let anyone dictate your symptoms your having and if you are over reacting when it comes to a allergic reaction. I told her this is your life. Source: 📸Cred: Lynn Walker Photography

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